Monday, February 14, 2011

My Favorite Graphic Designer

        As a creative person, I believe that you should have people to look up to as examples. There is always someone to give you inspiration just by looking at their past successes. Since I am  studying Graphic Design I look at the forerunners of the trade and try to find the one I like the best and that I can use as an example to further my skills. Milton Glaser is the designer that speaks to me the most.

         Milton Glaser (June 26, 1929) is an American graphic designer whose most famous piece of work is the 'I Love New York' logo which has become synonymous with American culture. He has also contributed to numerous campaigns, slogans, logos and marketing activities through the course of his illustrious career. In 1968 he also co-founded the extremely popular 'New York' magazine.

       Milton Glaser is my favorite Graphic Designer because he makes his artistic talent show in the design. Milton Glaser also is able to show his voice really well in his work. He was able to speak about numerous political and social aspects in his work, which in return makes the viewer think. To me his work plays on both graphic design and fine art.


Monday, February 7, 2011

The Art Market?

Caroll Michels is the author of How To Survive and Prosper as an Artist and in her book she says "If I had my way I would replace commercial galleries with a system in which artists exhibited work in their studios and sold it directly to the public"- she then goes goes on to say-" such a system could work only if artists acquired enough self-confidence not to need gallery validation and if the public, likewise had the self-confidence necessary to buy work without gallery validation."She finishes her claim by saying that "those events won't take place in her lifetime and that the only way to to change it is to regulate the business practices of galleries."

My question to the reader: Is this statement true, and if it is how can it be changed?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My name is Andrew Britton and I am an artist. I am a graphic design student and an aspiring fine artist. I have a great passion for art, it is a driving spirit. Part of my passion is learning Art History and and finding how it affects myself and the world around me. Art is always changing because the world is always changing and that affects the artists. I created this blog to share my experience as an artist but to also get to get feedback from the readers. One thing that I am very certain of is that more people should know about art history especially aspiring artists.